Competition Start Date: June 10, 2024
Competition End Date: November 30, 2024
Riva Industria Mobili S.p.A., a company selling its own solid wood furniture Collection under the registered trademark of RIVA 1920, promotes the 9th Design Awards “Light Up Your Idea” for the design of six pieces of furniture, specifically TABLES and BENCHES intended for OUTDOOR use, to be included in the Riva 1920 collection.
Table Technical Guidelines:
• Solid Wood_Riva 1920: scented cedarwood or teak
• Other Components: It will also be possible to use other materials to make the table, provided they are suitable for outdoor use.
Bench Technical Guidelines:
• Solid Wood_Riva 1920: scented cedarwood, from a single block (examples of Riva1920 benches: CURVE BENCH, MOUNTAINS, OMBRA BENCH)
• Other Components: It will also be possible to use other materials to make the bench, provided they are suitable for outdoor use.
The projects having a simple and easy feasibility, but a high aesthetic impact combined with design, functionality and eco-sustainability, which best pursue the distinctive style of the Riva1920 Collection, will be favoured.
Safeguarding the environment and love for nature are fundamental principles for Riva 1920. The quality of the raw materials is the basis of the production process and starts with the selection of those coming from controlled reforestation areas.
Each element is subject to detailed quality and functional compliance tests, which combined with the use of vinyl adhesives and vegetable oil and wax finishes guarantee an authentic and completely natural product.
Winners Announcement: The winners will be revealed during the Salone del Mobile 2025 event. All participants will receive additional details via email.